Saturday, June 13, 2015

My Unfavorite Things -- part 2

    Nothing left to do but finish cleaning out my room -- school is out and my retirement will be effective after Monday.  I have loved being "Teacher" to so many little ones.  It was such a privilege to teach them to read and write stories -- that was one of my favorite things.

              Our retirement luncheon at school was today, and I wrote some new lyrics to sing to
 "My Favorite Things" to reflect  the parts of the job that I will NOT miss!

Head lice and pink eye and kids late for classes,
Nose bleeds and scraped knees and broken eyeglasses,
Morning bus duty until the bell rings,
These are a few of my Unfavorite things.

Faculty meetings and EOG testing,
Workshops and SIOPS and no time for resting,
Making up snow days and writing PDPs,
These are a few of my Unfavorite things!

When I miss you,
As I might do,
When I'm feeling sad,
I'll simply remember my Unfavorite things
And then I won't feel so bad!!

         Writing this blog is another of my favorite things -- and getting to know some amazing teachers through their blogs.  Last week I was looking for a certain Heidisongs paper for my class to do, and I could not find it anywhere. I looked in the file cabinets and computer documents and was about to give up. But I took a chance and sent Heidi Butkus a message through Facebook.  I knew she was not teaching this year, but didn't really expect a response in time to help that day. But to my surprise, she sent me a link right away so I could print it off that morning! Wow!  I told my class that the paper was from the same Mrs. Heidi that we had just been singing sight words with on the screen.  One little boy said, "You mean she is real??? I thought she was dead!!" Heidi even offered to Facetime with us, but we just ran out of time.  Technology is amazing, but the teachers using it are even more amazing!
      So, I don't know if I will have anything else to blog about since I will no longer be growing my kindergarten, but I expect I will keep reading other blogs.  And when I start volunteering in the fall, who knows? Maybe I will have more stories to share!


  1. The comment, "I thought she was DEAD!" really made me laugh! hahahaha!
    Thanks again for the shout out! I'll always help if I can! :)
    I sure wish you were closer by; I'd have you come and volunteer in MY room!

    1. I'm afraid California is a little too far for me to come, but I sure would love to see you in action in your own classroom!

  2. Love this song. I think you will have plenty to share. For now, though, enjoy having nothing to do. But, if you are ever looking to volunteer, I can always use an extra hand.

    1. I'm singing that song through a few tears this morning as I clean out my desk and get ready to turn in my key!! Thank you for your encouraging comments -- you have made a difference in my teaching!


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