One of the first things that caught my eye was a book barn that Reagan Tunstall of Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits had in her classroom in Texas. I had to have it, so my husband made one for me. Since then I have bought many items from her TPT store, including a Rise and Shine folder that I use a LOT.
I also love this song that she put on you tube a few years ago. It still makes me laugh.
Thank you, Reagan!
Another of the Superstars I follow is Heidi Butkus of Heidisongs. Not only do I use many of the DVDs she has produced, but she also has shared games and word family worksheets and flashcards that I use nearly every day. My classes love singing her songs and they have learned to read and spell many many sight words by singing along with Heidi. I was thrilled to meet Heidi at a conference a few years ago -- seemed like seeing an old friend. I especially LOVE her Gingerbread Man play -- my class performed the play at Christmas last year and the audience loved it.
Thank you, Heidi!!
Another major superstar I was excited to meet was Deanna Jump. Mrs. Jump is very well known as the first teacher to make a million dollars on Teachers Pay Teachers. I helped her make that million with all her products that I have bought -- and all were worth every penny! I have used the Guiding Kinders Math and Writer's Workshop that she and another of my favorites, DeedeeWills, created. It is way better than anything provided by the county and I am so grateful for their work.
Thank you, Deanna and Deedee!
There are many other teachers across the country who have also shared their hard work, but I have been so blessed to be blogger or Facebook Friends with these -- they inspire, encourage, and excite me and even though I will not need to use their ideas and products after retirement, I will probably keep following them because they seem like my friends. Thank you all for touching these North Carolina children by helping their teacher find new ways to teach effectively. I'd like to sing the "Golden Girls " theme song -- "Thank you for being my friend"